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We’ll collaborate to identify areas to address with a tailored bundle of services that may span consulting, training, coaching, and writing - or prospecting too. Partnerships are flexible and dynamic, designed to meet current needs and address those that emerge.

Retainer Arrangements
Expertise on demand  - short or longer term - in support of sales initiatives.

Retainers provides a defined presence and timeframe consistent access to consulting, coaching, content development, or project work that expands the bandwidth of the team and the productivity and
effectiveness of sales initiatives. 

As your business grows, arrangements can easily scale as needs change – whether increasing or decreasing frequency or timeframes for engagement. Retainer arrangements  provide a predictable, cost-effective option to help you budget effectively.

Strategy Sessions and Reviews
Strategic planning sessions to address mutually identified objectives and needs. 

A well-crafted sales strategy requires regular assessment and refinement to remain effective and competitive. I offer a flexible schedule of agenda-driven strategic planning sessions that serve as a platform for problem-solving and brainstorming.

Although these sessions typically include leadership staff, I encourage participation across other areas of
the business, acknowledging that within a sales-oriented team culture, each person understands their
unique role in sales and account growth. 

Integrated Sales Support Packages
Bundled solution of services to address the execution your sales strategy.

We’ll collaborate to design a package that integrates people, process, and technology (CRM) in a way that supports your sales initiatives. This holistic approach may include writing to training to prospecting - whatever will contribute to your revenue growth.


Working alongside you and your team, we will create strategies to be implemented right away - along with  longer term initiatives that support ongoing client retention and growth. Regular review of performance metrics and outcomes will define proactive strategy.




Schedule a complimentary discovery discussion below to determine if there's a good fit for us to collaborate.  I'd like to brainstorm with you and uncover some ideas to explore. â€‹

Ways to

Contact Me Directly

Tel. 978-998-5905

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Bobbie Antinarelli

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